Rock Your School Day 2024

Posted on September 27, 2024

Get Your Teach On (GYTO) is an organization that offers a variety of programs and professional development for educators and administrators in grades Pre-K-12. Walt Disney was a collaboration site in 2023 and continues to work with Get Your Teach On this year.

Each year, GYTO sponsors “Rock Your School Day!” – In honor of this initiative we ROCKED Walt Disney on September 27th, 2024!


Inside the main entrance, students were greated by D.J. Principal Dr. Mindy Higginson to start the morning.

After going to their classes for a short time, the entire school came to the gym for an all-school assembly. The assembly featured a real rock and roll band made up of P-H-M educators! Take a look at the video below: 

After the assembly finished, students went back to class for a fun day of music inspired lessons. Take a look at the photo gallery below for more pictures from this morning.

Last Modified September 27, 2024